Live: Latest updates from Sheffield & Barnsley Local Elections 2023

That’s all from South Yorkshire

That all from the Sheffield Wire, a busy day at the count, with not much change in South Yorkshire.

Across the country Labour have made sweeping victories against the Conservatives, with the Lib Dems also making big strides in former Tory strongholds.

In Barnsley, Labour increased there overall majority, in Sheffield, the makeup of the council chamber has remained the same.

Stay tuned to the Sheffield Wire for more news from around the region.

How it stands: Barnsley

Not much change from the start of the day for Barnsley, Labour have marginally increased there overall majority, moving from 46 to 48 seats.

The big news being the overturning of the two-decade strong Conservative seat in Penistone East in favour of Labour.

Mayor of South Yorkshire: “We need a new generation of leadership”

Oliver Coppard, the Mayor of South Yorkshire, reflects on today's results.

“A huge amount of respect for Terry”: South Yorkshire Mayor Says

“A huge amount of respect for Terry”: South Yorkshire Mayor Says

The news of Terry Fox's resignation as leader of the council has dominated the election counts today, but there should still be a 'huge amount of respect', South Yorkshire Mayor, Oliver Coppard, says.

The resignation was announced this morning and followed a report criticising the Sheffield council for its handling of the tree felling scandal.

Liberal Democrats leader, Shaffaq Mohammed, has indicated the Information about the resignation had been embargoed for a week, before voting had finished.

South Yorkshire Mayor, Oliver Coppard, who was at the count in Sheffield, said: "A huge amount of respect for Terry — he took over the reins at a very difficult time and inherited a huge number of challenges and problems.

"He's worked tirelessly for this city, agree or disagree with the things that he's done, no one can doubt Terry's care, attention, or work ethic."

Sheffield somewhat curbs the national trend as Labour impressed throughout local ballots across the country. Indeed, although it has been placed under special measures by its national counterpart, Sheffield Labour will now have to negotiate with other parties on how to best move forward.

Mr Coppard said: "Across the country, the Labour Party has done really well, but there's always more work to do."

"We've got to have a negotiation with the other parties to understand how to move forward in this city."

Terry Fox resignation embargoed for “at least a week”, opposition coucillor says

Terry Fox resignation embargoed for “at least a week”, opposition coucillor says

Despite voters having just learned about Terry Fox's resignation as leader of the council, the information had already been embargoed for "at least a week," an opposition councillor has claimed.

The announcement came earlier today following a report criticising the council about their approach to the tree felling scandal earlier this year.

When asked about this information, Liberal Democrats leader and spokesperson, Shaffaq Mohammed, said Sheffield Labour had already known about it for "at least a week".

He added: "He's been thrown underneath a bus, but he's not the only one that was there when it all happened."

Having embargoed the information until only after the votes for this election were cast, has resulted in criticism regarding the national Labour Party's trust in Sheffield Labour.

Cllr Mohammed, added: "If I was a Labour voter yesterday, I'd be scratching my head thinking 'what on earth have I voted for', because those people have no power anymore.

"I'm now going to have to resist labour bureaucrats from London coming to Sheffield and telling us what to do when they have no democratic mandate whatsoever."

This comes as the Liberal Democrats increased their presence in the council after gaining 11 seats as opposed to the last election's 9 seats.

In the meantime, the Sheffield Labour Party will be placed into special measures until a new leader is found, placing into question the ability and power of decision-making of councillors in Sheffield.

All votes counted

That's it for Barnsley and Sheffield.

Sheffield remain with no overall control, and Barnsley Labour have extended their majority

Stay tuned for comments from the winners and the losers, and more updates on the national picture.

Barnsley: new Labour councillor speaks after huge win

Alex Burnett was the winner in a landmark win for labour, overturning Penistone east after more than two decades as a Conservative seat

Barnsley: Penistone West – Lib Dem hold

Paula Button-Roberts – Independent 202
Roy Garratt – Conservative 623
David Greenhough – Liberal Democrats 1613
Frances Nixon – Labour and Co-operative Party 810
Richard Trotman – Green 268

Sheffield Election Results 2023

The makeup of Sheffield City Council is:

  • Labour - 39
  • Liberal Democrats - 29
  • Green Party - 14
  • Conservatives - 1
  • Independent - 1

The overall local election turnout was 31.81%.

Sheffield City Council has 84 councillors who are elected in thirds, which means 28 seats are usually contested at a time. Parties need 43 seats for a majority on the Council.

Barnsley: Penistone East – Labour gain

Steven Burkinshaw – Conservative 1349
Alex Burnett – Labour 1603
Amanda Griffin – Independent 153
Rebecca Trotman – Green 191
Andrew Waters – Liberal Democrats 486

Sheffield: Crookes and Crosspool – Lib Dem Hold

BARNSLEY, Roger BrianThe Conservative Party333
HIBBERT, Joseph LewisTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition113
HUGGAN, TimLiberal Democrats2734
IDLE, OscarGreen Party908
WRIGHT, John AllenLabour and Co-operative Party2547

Sheffield: Manor Castle – Labour Hold

BOSTON, Zoe ElaineLiberal Democrats249
BUXTON, JustinIndependent108
CARRINGTON, JackYorkshire Party434
FISH, CatherineGreen Party Second Choice Candidate584
FLAGG-ABBEY, RuthGreen Party First Choice Candidate654
HOWARTH, Isaac AliThe Conservative Party309
KAHN, DanIndependent28
KENNING, Stephanie JaneLiberal Democrats206
MCILROY, HelenIndependent78
MOYNAHAN, Laura MariaLabour and Co-operative Party1508
RICHARDS, Sioned-MairLabour and Co-operative Party1274
TICE, AlistairTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition171