Turnout data for Barnsley

Total votes cast: 44967 Postal votes: 24129 Postal turnout: 53.6% Total turnout: 24.14% Compared to last year: down from last year by 0.56% Last year votes: 45569 Total eligible electorate: 186249

Labour seem “quietly assured” in Sheffield

Tom Hunt and Ben Miskell have been spotted at the count in Sheffield and seem to be “quietly assured”, according to reporter Peter Spriggs. Some wards have begun verify their results while the count continues throughout the day. As the count continues,...

Tory Turmoil

Rishi Sunak must be sweating in Number 10, as the Conservative Party have already faced losses to Labour. Labour has gained Avon & Somerset and Cumbria, which used to be held by the Conservative Party. The Conservative Party manages to keep hold of Lincolnshire....