Sheffield council approve additional funding for new post-16 SEND accommodation
By Ruby Watson
March 18, 2024

In a meeting today, an additional £1,085.0k was approved for funding of an additional 100 more post-16 SEND places at the Peaks Campus of Sheffield College.

Sheffield’s special schools have already been significantly expanded and are on constrained sites, so the most viable way to increase sufficiency is to develop provision in post-16 and increase the flow of pupils to these settings.

Finance manager, Damian Wilkinson said: “It will be really helpful for relieving places that are over filled in the secondary school area.”

Post-16 learners with Education, Health and Care Plans across mainstream and special education settings are forecast to increase by 284% by 2029, with at least half these learners expected to be in special education settings

The Peaks Campus has been closed since September 2023 and capital work is needed to make it fit for purpose.

This includes remodelling rooms, new fencing, the building of life skills suites and installing a fire evacuation lift.

The funding from the project is coming from High Needs Capital Allocation (£1,193.1k) and Sheffield College (£3.9k)