Move over Crufts: Sheffield Celebrates the North’s Best Hamsters
"Best in Show" dwarf hamster, Siren
By Katie Swain
March 17, 2025

Last week Birmingham hosted the prestigious dog show Crufts, but here in Sheffield there was a celebration of our smaller furry friends, as 125 hamsters competed to be the best.

The event, hosted by the Northern Hamster Club on 16 March, was attended by both professional and amateur hamster owners from all over the country.

Anne Dray is the Vice Chairman of the Northern Hamster Club and has been a National Judge for the past 50 years, travelling to find the very best of the Hamster world.

The hamsters are not expected to do tricks or stand perfectly still, instead the judging criteria focuses on the hamster’s health, tameness and appearance, with specific standards for each species and colour pattern.

Credit: Ollie Clay

Mrs Dray said: “People start with a pet hamster, then they get two, then they get four and then a few more and then they start coming to shows.

“Some of us have been doing this for 50 years and some have had their first day today and they might be the people becoming the senior judges of tomorrow.”

There is an extensive process in becoming a judge, first you must be a pen steward, then a book steward and finally you get to judge, alongside a senior judge, who will deem you competent after 3 competitions.

“Your first time judging can be terrifying because there is suddenly 67 hamsters in front of you.”

The judges look out for mutations, which make the hamsters unique, in order to breed them.

Hamsters are only pregnant for 16 days and you can breed up to 19 in the litter at each time, “so it is not something you go into lightly unless you have 20 spare cages.” added Mrs Dray.

Mrs Dray has around 50 hamsters which includes young ones, ones for breeding and showing and those that are retired at around two-years-old.

The Northern Hamster Society runs pet classes for those starting out with one hamster and try to make their events as family friendly as possible, with refreshments and a tombola.

Congratulations to the winners, ‘Best in Show’ dwarf hamster Siren of Cheverton Hams, and the Syrian winner Pugsley of Moonstone Hamstery.