An animal sanctuary have shared how pleased they are after one of their dogs made it through emergency surgery.

Tyson the bulldog arrived at Mill House Animal Sanctuary with a retained testicle, which needed operating on urgently.

Kelly Simms, manager of the sanctuary, said: “We’re happy, very happy. If you don’t get the retained testicle sorted it can lead to cancer.”

Tyson was taken to the sanctuary after his owner had a motorbike accident, which meant he had to give up work and could no longer afford to feed him.

Ms Simms said she remembered seeing Tyson for the first time and discovering his condition.

She said: “I looked at him and said ‘oh, has he been castrated?’ and the owner said ‘no, he’s got a retained testicle.’

“And I was like, ‘oh my God, why haven’t you got it sorted’ and he said that he didn’t have the funds.”

Ms Simms set up a GoFundMe to raise money for Tyson’s operation, aiming for £500.

In the end, it raised £100, and the sanctuary had to cover the rest of the costs themselves.

Ms Simms said Mills House Animal Sanctuary is ‘just a small charity,’ and gets most of its money from donations and sales in its store in Crystal Peaks.

She said this support is essential: “It all helps. It all adds up in our eyes.”

But even if the cost of the operation was high, for Ms Simms it was worth it for Tyson, who has now gone to live with a new family.

She said: “He’s an absolutely beautiful dog, I’m just so happy that he’s gone to someone who’s going to love and care for him.

“It’ll be better for him after a big operation to be in a home environment instead of a kennel.”

For more on Mill House Animal Sanctuary, see their website.