Charity will help Manor residents with cost of living crisis
By Paul Oluwadare
November 25, 2022

Residents on a Sheffield estate who are “struggling massively” to pay their bills will get help from a new scheme during the run-up to Christmas.

The Manor and Castle Development Trust has partnered with National Energy Action to support the residents of Manor Park.

The Trust has seen an increase of nearly 300 referrals, with no sign of slowing down over Christmas.

Advice is being made available from The Manor Park Centre has been there for Manor residents for years,

Energy adviser Shelly MacDonald has been offering one-to-one advice to the residents who she said: “might be reluctant to call a helpline or don’t know where to turn to for help.”

She added: “Those on a low income, benefits, disabilities, and those with young children are really finding it tough to keep up with payments of their bills.”

Manor Park residents mainly ask for financial support through vouchers and grants to help with bills. But this partnership between the two charities also allows people to buy energy-efficient appliances such as air fryers.

Manor and Castle Development Trust social prescriber and Link worker Val Jones said: “People are struggling massively and having to decide whether or not to eat or heat their homes.”

Those who are on payment meters for their gas and electricity are paying “quadruple the amount they used to” according to Val.

She added: “Some families are paying £200-£300 a month out of their benefits for gas and electric in addition to food prices going up as well it’s causing a knock-on effect.”