Several reports of women being followed while walking on their own in Sheffield city centre is being investigated by South Yorkshire Police.

These incidents occurred at various times of the day and in various locations, such as Matilda Street and Ecclesall Road.

Chelsea Cheetham, 22, a Sheffield student, was followed home along Matilda Street from the Moor Market, by a group of men supposedly selling gas and electric.

“Walking past the Moor Market, they asked me who supplied my gas and electric. I didn’t think anything of it until I was near the car park on Matilda Street and heard them shout the same thing again. I looked back and saw the group of men following me.

“Even though it was the daytime, I was still really shaken up and rushed home. As soon as I got into my apartment I sent a voice note to my friends and they could tell I was scared. I was shaking. They told me to report this incident but I didn’t feel like it was significant enough to do it, now I wish I had.”

Enquiries are ongoing to establish the circumstances surrounding these incidents, and an appeal by South Yorkshire Police has been launched, calling for anyone who may have seen something suspicious, or have experienced something similar, to get in touch.

Sergeant Kieran Frain, from Sheffield Central Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “Whilst these types of incidents are rare, we are asking members of the public to be extra vigilant when out and about in the city centre, and if you notice anybody acting suspiciously, or if you think you may have been followed recently, please do report it to us – however minor you may think the incident is.”

“Understanding where and when these incidents are happening is really important in helping us to build up a picture of who may be responsible.”

Anyone with information which may support police enquiries should contact the South Yorkshire Police via their online portal, or by calling 101. In the case of an emergency, call 999.