Love Jam hosts its fifth session in Sheffield to celebrate sober music and art
By Q Cummins
December 1, 2023

Love Jam, a nationwide collective to celebrate sober music and art, held their fifth Sheffield-based meeting this Wednesday at Highfield Trinity church.

The event consisted of a primarily-music based open mic, followed by the first public performance from African drumming group Unbeatable Energy since 2020, an ‘open jam session’ and finally an ecstatic dance DJ Set.

The events DJ Rachael (known as DJ Caroub) described it as an “evening of music, connectivity and community” for people to get together to soberly share music, passions and  meet new people. 

Caroub also stressed that the organisation, which is not-for-profit and volunteer-based, is open to everyone with more volunteers needed.

Sheffield group co-organiser Nicky said she felt grateful to be part of the team that allows people to feel seen, safe and express themselves. 

Nicky described the sessions as “changing and evolving” differently, with new  performances each time.

She said: “It’s all about a free, creative, expressive space for people to feel safe and seen with zero judgement”.

Originating in London with creators Nathan Gallagher and partner Zena, Love Jam events are held nationwide.

Other nearby groups are located in Manchester and Leeds.

The collective also holds national events that they pride on being alcohol free, plant-based and family friendly, including campouts and festivals. 

A black sign reads ‘free spirit dancer’, positioned on the DJ table.

The group can be found on Facebook and Instagram as ‘Sheffield Love Jam’.