Women in Sheffield will march through the city this Saturday, to show solidarity with victims of violence against women. 

Tomorrow at 6pm the people of Sheffield have been invited to gather at the cathedral and march through the city to take a stand against gender based violence. 

 Hannah Budd, 20, the University of Sheffield women’s officer outlined why this year has been overwhelming for women.  

She said: “we want to express some of the anger that a lot of women have been feeling this year, after seeing so many murders in the news and seeing the horrific statistics about how much domestic abuse has increased throughout the pandemic.”

For the Sheffield student community, the issue of spiking has been on everyone’s mind and is motivating members of the student body to march. The women’s officer encourages those who have been spiked to not be silenced and to report the incidents.  

The Students Union are also working to deliver consent workshops for men.

The Reclaim the Night movement started in Leeds in 1977, to protest the Ripper killings and the curfew that was placed on women in response. 

Miss Budd stressed the importance of taking to the streets after lockdown last year stopped women from marching. 

The women’s rights advocate hopes that the march will provide a safe space for women to express their emotions. She said “there will be an outpouring of emotion, a space to be angry, to grieve and to show support and solidarity.”

The march falls on the third day of the UN’s 16 days against gendered violence and another vigil for victims of violence against women and girls will be held on Sunday 5th December on Devonshire Green. 

All women, and all those who feel ‘woman’ applies to them in some way are welcome, alongside their dependents or carers.