Mi Amigo Plane Crash Commemorated 81 Years On
By Adrian Collis
February 24, 2025

Adrian Collis & Grace Kulinski

The 81st anniversary of the crash of a World War Two US bomber was commemorated this weekend with a memorial service at Endcliffe Park.

The plane, Mi Amigo, crashed in the park on 22 February 1944 after returning from a bombing raid, killing all 10 US pilots onboard.

The crew sacrificed their lives by downing their plane in trees to avoid hitting surrounding houses and children playing in the park.

The crash was witnessed by Tony Foulds, who was eight at the time – he has since dedicated his life to preserving the site of the memorial.

Mr Foulds said: “They had to make a decision, quick. Shall we try and miss these children in the park to land, or shall we die?

“They decided to die.”

Broadcaster Dan Walker, who helped arrange a flypast on the 75th anniversary in 2019, joined Tony at the memorial this year for the unveiling of a new bench to remember the crew of Mi Amigo.

Also in attendance of the memorial was Amy Priddy, from Arkansas, US, who is the great niece of Malcolm Williams, one of the airmen who died in the crash.