A concerned Sheffield nurse has expressed fears for public health as hundreds of discarded needles remain unchecked.
The Woodseats resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims to have helped clean the needles from School Lane pathways and grass verges.
School Lane is situated just off Bernard Street and opposite a children’s playing area, yet the nurse says some of these needles are still yet to be checked by the authorities.

She said: “I have emailed written details to the Sheffield City Council regarding the hundreds of needles on School Lane on 5 September of this year and I am yet to receive a response or see the removal of various drug paraphernalia. The road remains popular with members of the public which grows ever concerning as it poses a threat to public health.”
The National Crime Rate Comparison suggests that crime in the area is at 110% compared to the rest of the country.

According to the NHS website, discarded needles pose a great risk to peoples safety not only because can they cause harm but because they can contain blood born diseases such as Hepatitis B & C and HIV. Even though the risk of contracting such diseases is relatively low, the mental and physical injuries could still have a lasting effect on the person.
The Sheffield City Council has been contacted for a response to this concerning situation and are yet to respond.