New exhibition explores race and the environment
By Tabitha Wilson
February 26, 2024

An art exhibition that explores the relationship between landscapes, music and belonging held a launch event at Soft Ground on the Moor last Wednesday.

Skylarking is part of The Mouth, a collaboration with arts charity Arts Catalyst and Sheffield Museums. Creative Ashley Holmes presented the exhibition as a constellation of structures that encourage contemplation, rest and listening.

Mr Holmes, from Sheffield, is the host of Tough Matter, a monthly radio show on NTS Radio, and is also a resident on local station Mondo Radio.

The work amplifies the sounds of the architecture of caves, hills and public spaces in the city and makes reference to the influences of experimental studio techniques of popular Black music of the 21st century.

The exhibition is inspired by Black music of the 21st century. Source: Tabitha Wilson

Mr Holmes said: “There’s a lot of musical references – the main one being the title of the exhibition, which is borrowed from the title of an album by an artist called Horace Andy that was released on Studio One records in the early 1970s.” He began working on the project in August last year and began making field visits in October.

He added that the research he’s doing surrounds race and the environment, and “where and how we can think about the connections between”.

Talking about holding the exhibition in Sheffield, Mr Holmes said it’s a “really important part of the work and part of the project”.

“I think bar one or two people, all of our collaborators are Sheffield-based as well. It’s felt really lovely.”

 The launch event was attended by Lord Mayor Colin Ross, and featured work from collaborators Wemmy Ogunyankin, Bel Odawa, Seigfried Komidashi, Joseph June Bond and Akeem Balogun.

“Recording the story with Bel Odawa and Ashley in particular was enjoyable,” said Mr Balogun.

“We also travelled to Speedwell Cavern, and there was a beautiful moment where Komidashi played the sax in the cave. It was special.”

Exhibition attendee Rob Hughes, 22, from Doncaster said: “It’s really interesting. I like the way that he’s taken the peak district and nature which is kind of like art itself and made more art out of art.”

Skylarking runs from the 22 of February to 18 of May at Soft Ground, 37-41 The Moor, Sheffield. The Mouth also continues at the Millennium Gallery with Ways of Water.

Some of the artwork on display. Source: Tabitha Wilson