University of Sheffield Students’ Union marks historic LGBT+ anniversary
By Joshua Thory-Rao
February 20, 2023

A plaque to commemorate fifty-years of LGBT+ representation has been unveiled at the University of Sheffield Students’ Union.

The plaque was revealed in an event last Friday by Gerry Firkins, who was the Chair of the University’s Gaysoc from 1973 to 1975, and Jamie Shipp, the SU’s LGBT+ part time Officer.

The unveiling took place in Interval Bar in the Students’ Union and was organised by Grace Clearly, the SU’s Liberations Officer.

Mr Firkins said: “What I was concerned about, which started this whole process, was that I didn’t want this to be forgotten.”

The plaque commemorates the passing of an historic motion that was debated at the SU, a motion which Mr Firkins spoke in favour of which was: ‘This house supports Gay Rights.’

For Mr Firkins, though, the 50th anniversary is threefold; the founding of Gaysoc, the passing of this motion and the first Gaysoc disco which he organised as chair of the society.

He added: “It was thanks to Grace [Clearly] that this is all happening. She has been wonderful, she has been powerful, she’s taken it and made it what it is.”

The unveiling took place after a screened interview with Mr Firkins, where he spoke about his time at university and the formation of Gaysoc.

Picture courtesy of Josh Thory-Rao – 50th Anniversary Gaysoc plaque

Ms Clearly said she was glad to have the opportunity to celebrate this anniversary. She added: “We wanted to plan as much as we could because Gerry was asking for so little. All he wanted was just for it not to be forgotten.”

Mr Firkins said: “I really do wish Gaysoc all the best. And I’ve reminded them that they need to come back in 50 years for the 100th anniversary. These are moments when you can take the measure of what you have done and what you have achieved.”

There is also an exhibition in the Information Commons at the University, which has the interview showing on silent, a curated book collection and various artefacts.

This will be running until the end of February.