One of England’s largest beer festivals is about to open its doors after months of “hard work” from organisers.

The Rotherham Real Ale and Music Festival will start this Thursday at the Magna centre, with 8,000 people expected to attend.

Matthew Ridsdale, part of the event’s media team, said: “We’re hoping that it will be a memorable three days.

“A lot of time, love and effort goes into organising a festival of this type. It’s the culmination of six months of hard work by the festival’s organising committee, who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes.

“It’s always a great feeling when the doors of the festival open and the first guests walk through the door.”

The event, which began in 1992, has become a staple of the Yorkshire brewing scene, and helped to launch ale brands such as Black Sheep.

Activities at the festival include Championship Beers of Yorkshire, a taste-testing competition with winners in different categories.

One of the breweries looking for success is Abbeydale. Laura Rangeley, a spokeswoman for the brewer, said: “The festival not only allows us to showcase a wide range of our beers to attendees but also engage with and support the wonderful beer community.”

The event will also feature live music, with the ukulele band the Everley Pregnant Brothers headlining this Thursday.

For Mr Ridsdale, the wide range of activities is key to the event’s success. He said: “From 18 years old to 80 there really is something for everyone.”

The festival will run from 23 to 25 February, with proceeds going to Rotherham Cancer Care Centre. More details can be found here.