Home Secretary Suella Braverman plans to use international students as a diversion tactic from the growing refugee crisis, says Sheffield MP Paul Blomfield.

When asked by constituents about how he can use his power as a politician, the Labour MP for Sheffield Central said: “I want to support international students in Sheffield.

“Suella Braverman and the Home Office are directing attention away from refugees entering the country and are drawing attention to international students.”

This comes as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a crackdown on international students as an attempt to lower the numbers of immigrants coming to the UK.

The government stated that international students will be the main targets in “efforts to reduce immigration”, especially those studying “low-quality” degrees and bringing dependents.

Downing Street has declined to comment on the definition of what “low quality” is or to “pre-empt” any policy decisions.

Suella Braverman has previously said that international students “bring in family members who can piggyback onto their student visa” and “propping up, frankly, substandard courses in inadequate institutions”.

Immigration statistics reach their highest point since the Second World War. An estimated 1.1 million people moved to the UK in the 12 months to June of this year.

Home Secretary Suella Braverman said: “We have welcomed hundreds of thousands of people to Britain this year following the devastating war in Ukraine, the evacuation from Afghanistan and the despicable crack down on democratic rights in Hong Kong.

“Therefore, it is understandable that we have seen a record number of people coming to our country thanks to the generosity of the British people.

“But the public rightly expect us to control our borders and we remain committed to reducing migration over time in line with our manifesto commitment.”

The number of international students granted visas to work in the UK rose to 476,000. ONS data found that study visas accounted for the largest number of long-term immigration of non-EU nationals.

Research from 2021 reveals international students in Sheffield bring £313 million benefit to the economy and Sheffield Central is the top parliamentary constituency in the UK to financially gain from international students.

The average person in Sheffield is roughly £2,520 better off because of the contributions made by students from overseas studying at local universities.

Professor Koen Lamberts, President and Vice-Chancellor at the University of Sheffield, said: “Our global reputation for teaching and research attracts more than 7,000 international students from over 150 countries.

“During their time at university, international students play a vital role working on placements in local hospitals and businesses, volunteering for more than 140 Sheffield charities and schools and also enriching the cultural life of the city.”