Miracle dog Ayla will finally be able to make friends at the park after her owner raised enough money for a wheelchair following a tragic car accident and freak dog attack.
Charlotte Morgan rescued the 10-year-old dog from Romania. It fell victim to a random attack in the centre of Wakefield from a homeless Staffordshire Bull Terrier in August 2021.

Ayla after her leg amputation.
It resulted in Ayla having a major surgery. She had her left back leg amputated and had femoral head and neck surgery on her right hip.
The mixed-breed dog spent over a week in the Chantry Veterinary Surgery where she underwent an intensive operation and rehabilitation. Miss Morgan spent over £5000 in veterinary bills to give her best friend a second chance at life living in Sheffield.

Home sweet home after her surgery
The 37-year-old from Norfolk Park, Sheffield, said: “The dog came out of the darkness and just went for her.
“She was grabbed by her back leg and thrown about to the point where her leg was hanging off.
“It was hard because of the injuries she had as a puppy, her remaining back leg and hip already needed to be operated on.
“The procedure was quite shocking and traumatic for her.
“The vet wasn’t 100% sure it would work. So, it was a risky gamble and very costly. But it was needed so she could support herself on just three legs.
“Staffies are lovely dogs but sometimes they are kept by people for the wrong reasons but it’s not their fault.”

Ayla in her harness
The dog mum started a fundraiser to raise money for a wheelchair, a raised bed and other care and mobility aids. Their initial target was £700. She raised over £1000.
Ayla needs physiotherapy for the rest of her life. She initially needed it every four hours and two sessions a week in hydrotherapy with Aquavet. This is therapy swimming which allowed Ayla to build strength to mobilise.

Ayla during her hydrotherapy session

Ayla playing with her physiotherapy ball
The dog made a 2000-mile journey to Sheffield. She was sent from Romania to Hull by ferry where Ms Morgan and her dad, Malcolm Morgan, 65, who sadly passed away from a heart attack, drove the little furball back to Norfolk Park.
The dog rescuer said: “Ayla was in a pitiful state when we first saw her but he [Malclom] thought she was a little sweetie and carried her into the car as she was just shaking and quite nervous.
“No one wanted her, she was in the homing centre for four years. At the time, she was not the most classically pretty dog, but she was beautiful to me.”

Ayla acclimatising to her car journey
Ms Morgan first saw her one-eyed pal on the Blind Dog Rescue charity site in 2016. She was informed Ayla was found at a bus stop and had recently been involved in a car accident resulting in many injuries including her eye moving back into her skull and leg deformities.
The dog owner said: “When I first saw her, I just thought ‘bless her’ I felt so sad for her.
“She hadn’t been looked after very well and she was just scared.
“I just felt a lot of love for her, and I just wanted to look after her as she was just so timid.
“At first it was just sad when I saw her.”
The funding raised will allow Ayla to have independence and socialise with other dogs without needing a rear support harness. The money raised will allow Ayla to play with other dogs and go on long walks.

Ayla fully recovered
The dog-loving rescuer said: “People call her a miracle dog. After everything she has been through, she isn’t this high energetic and anxious dog, she is so laid back and just loves to cuddle with me.
“She reminds me every day that you can face difficulties in life and take every day as it comes and just enjoys the present.”

Ayla ready for a cuddle with Charlotte
Click here if you wish to donate and support Ayla with her new journey!