A Santa Dash to get kids “happy, healthy and passionate” had pupils from more than 50 schools exercising in Sheffield today.

The event, organised by School Games and The Arches School Sport Partnership, encourages children to get moving through festive fun, as well as raising money for charity.

Adam Fuller, School Games Organiser, said: “Sport isn’t for everyone and there will be a percentage of kids who don’t want to engage in team sports.

“What we want to do is make children understand the importance of being active and we can deliver that message whilst having fun.”

The schools involved have organised Christmas based activities to get pupils moving such as ‘snowball’ fights, festive Just Dance and Santa Searches where kids must find Santas hidden around the school.

David Millns, P.E. teacher at Westways Primary School, said: “You’ve got to touch every child’s imagination really. Spark some interest and enthusiasm.

If you create the next Olympian that’s amazing but that’s not really the aim. It’s about getting kids happy, healthy and passionate about doing sport and activity.”

Exercise is proven to improve both physical and mental health in young children. Mr Millns added: “Active kids are healthier kids. They can concentrate better and work better in classrooms.”

Westways have also combined the event with fundraising for Sheffield Children’s Hospital and are hoping to smash their target of £600.

The school is just one of 50 in Sheffield taking part in the national event.

Nick Wells, Head of PE at Beck Primary School, said: “It’s lovely that it’s national. But for me I just like the idea of making activity and exercise fun.

“For me and for our kids it’s more important that we’re doing something with a funny and exciting twist. I think there will be more children engaged than ever.” 

60,000 children across Sheffield will be taking part in the event, which is just one part of School Games’ mission to encourage exercise amongst children. To learn more click here.