A mass reading of a poem by author and Writer in Residence for Sheffield Libraries has started off a readathon week in Sheffield.

The readathon was organised by the volunteer-run libraries in Sheffield and it was based on the theme “Our City Reads”. Children aged 7-15 were encouraged to get involved during half-term week in the mass reading of a poem today.

Nik Perring, donated the poem Mrs City and encouraged people to get involved in the read.

Mr Perring, said: “It is another really brilliant thing people in Sheffield are being offered. It is something positive that people can focus on in a time where there is not a lot of positive things happening.”

The Volunteer Library service in Sheffield usually do a mass readathon where a group of people read along to a story or a book, but because of lockdown measures, they have not been able to do it as normal, added Mr Perring.

He said: “They asked me if I would help them do it digitally so I donated the poem and we have a whole week of cool stuff happening for young people in and around Sheffield.”

The poetry reading is set to be followed by free creative workshops with Mr Perring and CHOL Theatre and Arts Company, and there is lots happening on the site over the week.

The week is set to end in a live streamed performance called, Readathon Live!

There will be an open mic where anyone interested in writing can come along and read their work, other people’s work, or anything they might have written or read over the week.

The workshops will be held over Zoom and they will offer a unique opportunity for children aged 7-15 to get involved in fun and creative to make their half-term week a little different.

As well as this, Site Gallery will be running a free workshop for 14-18-year-olds called, New Tricks: Home Studio Recording Workshop.

Mr Perring said: “The idea is to get everybody involved and celebrate Sheffield and what makes Sheffield brilliant.”

For information about the readathon, visit: https://greenhill-library.org/readathon-live/.