By Emily Atkinson and Mark Harrison

Couples had to think outside the box this year to come up with Valentine’s date ideas in line with national lockdown restrictions.

On the hunt for the quirkiest date, we decided to get down to the parks of Sheffield yesterday to ask what romantic plans people had in store.

For some, it was a chance to get inventive and try something new.

 One couple said: “Well, we went for a swim this morning up on Dale Dike. It was quite cold!”

“We’re doing a blind baking thing, where one of you is blind and the other can’t talk, and we’re going to try and make and decorate a chocolate cake,” added another.

For others, it was a Valentine’s Day of firsts.

“It was our first Valentine’s together this year. We got together six months ago – in September. It’s just been lots of walks. We got together in between lockdowns,” said one pair.

“We had a restaurant meal from Deliveroo. It was lovely and we did presents and stuff.”

Another couple, married in December, were enjoying their first Valentine’s day together since their wedding.

“This morning, we woke up and gave each other cards. It took a while to find one because I wanted something to do with ‘Brooklyn 99’ and I got a ‘Brooklyn 99’ poster. It’s our favourite show,” they said.

“We actually need to put our wedding photos up. So, the first thing is going to be ‘Brooklyn 99’ and then our wedding photos!”

Singletons not wanting to miss out on the celebrations made the most of Galentine’s with their own plans for the day.

“We decided – because we’re both single and all our friends are in relationships – to give each other presents,” said two friends.

“Our other housemate – he’s the only other single one – is cooking for us. So, we’re going to have a nice three-way meal. It’s going to be really lovely.”

“A cheesy romcom is probably in order.”

For most though, it was an evening in – watching films, cooking a special dinner – after their chilly Sunday strolls.

“Well we’re walking in Endcliffe Park. We’re having a change, we’re walking the other way round today instead! We’re going to have a meal for £20 from M&S,” said one couple.

“So, Sundays are normally our date day, so we’ll be watching a daytime film – something from the 80s. Possibly ‘Jaws’ today?” said one husband, hoping to take the pressure off his wife for the day.

“Then, I will be cooking tea, which is unusual as well. Seems like I only cook once a year, apparently! Then an evening film tonight – a romantic film tonight. ‘City of Angels’, probably.”