The Crookes community has launched efforts to oppose the plans, which would see 13 flats and three retail units built on Cobden View Road.

This is the third time the local community has come together to object to planning applications on the site.

The area used to be a community garden managed by nearby St Timothy’s church but has been empty for two years, attracting anti-social behaviour and becoming an eye-sore for the local community.

Councillor Ruth Milsom said: “It was heart-breaking to watch the destruction of what had been a much loved and valued community garden.

“But the strength of feeling of the local community, and it’s readiness to act, remain steadfast. A cynical tactic of the developer is to argue that rejecting their plans for tiny rabbit hutch apartments would rob the area of much needed new builds.”

When the first planning applications was submitted the community applied for the site to be a designated Village Green with the support of MP Olivia Blake and many local councillors.

Such green spaces, says local resident Jane Monach, 77, are “little jewels” for the local community.

John Vose, who lives directly opposite the proposed flats said: “The plans are outrageous. The monster building would greatly decrease my quality of life.

“The people who lived next door already sold their house and moved away.”

Locals say the building would block light from reaching their homes, decrease their privacy, increase congestion, and make crossing the road unsafe.

They also claim that parking, already an issue in the area, would be made increasingly difficult.

Previous plans for 18 flats were denied after they failed to meet national space standards.

The revised plans will provide 11 two bedroom and two one bedroom apartments with three retail units.

These will not be used for food and drink outlets.

Some have questioned the need for more outlets after the closure of two popular stores, Fulton’s Foods and Priceless, due to rising rent prices.

Hopeful local councillor Minesh Parekh, said: “There are many areas in Crookes which are vacant and can be redeveloped.

“There are many other things that can be done to increase footfall for Crookes which will have better social impact for the area like subsidised public transport.”

To read more about the plans or to share comments and objections, click here.