Safer cycle routes are part of the plans to be included in Connecting Sheffield’s new proposal to encourage active travel around the city.

The proposal is part of a scheme to develop connections within Sheffield, focusing on linking Kelham and Neepsend to the City Centre, and improving the city’s environmental spaces and transport infrastructure.

Martin Phipps, Green Party Councillor for City Ward, said many of Kelham Island’s residents have been calling for a lot of these changes for some time.

The proposal will introduce new cycle routes and form better connections to the city.

Coun Phipps, who lives and works in the city centre, added: “I couldn’t have imagined a change in landscape like the Dutch-style roundabout on West Bar where cyclists will have priority being proposed three or four years ago, so it is really exciting to see a change in mentality.”

CycleSheffield said they were pleased to see the plans for the Dutch-style roundabout at West Bar.

The roundabout is currently very hostile for people cycling and walking so improvements which prioritise active travel are very welcome, added Dexter Johnstone, Secretary of CycleSheffield.

The Connecting Sheffield schemes will create an attractive environment for people to walk and cycle according to CycleSheffield.

They said this is important because the biggest barrier to people cycling in Sheffield is road safety, and so the creation of high quality cycle infrastructure is essential to enable more people to make their journeys by bike.

Sam Ingham, 21, Deliveroo Rider and Sheffield Hallam Student, said the plans will allow him to travel faster and safer.

Mr Ingham added: “Plans to improve Sheffield’s environment are always positive in my opinion. It will be great to see more green spaces and safer ways to travel on bike or by foot, and it will definitely benefit me in both my job and my active life.”

By creating safer, user friendly, walking and cycling routes the proposal makes active travel an attractive alternative to a short car journey.

A reduction in road traffic will also help reduce pollution, according to Sheffield Greenpeace, who have said they support this second consultation, connecting the City Centre to Neepsend and Kelham.

Mr Johnstone said: “The schemes are ambitious and of a high quality and we commend Sheffield Council for this.”

Mr Phipps added: “I think it is a really exciting scheme and it would be great to have as much feedback on it as possible.”

The consultation will end on 3 March 2021.

To review the proposal and have your say, visit: